Refereed Journal Publications
- Choi, S., & Kochunas, B. (2025). Coarse mesh finite difference acceleration of the random ray method. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 210, 110848.
- Jeon, S., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Verification and Validation of the VANGARD Pinwise Nodal Code with Analyses of BEAVRS. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–24.
- Price, D., Roskoff, N., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Multiphysics Modeling of Heat Pipe Microreactor with Critical Control Drum Position Search. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–20.
- Price, D., Barrowes, L., Wells, J., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Calculation of Isotope-Specific Fission Rates for Neutrino Source Calculation in PWR Fuel Diversion Safeguarding. Nuclear Technology, 1–30.
- Kinast, S., Price, D., Filippone, C., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Stability Margins of Holos-Quad Microreactor. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–17.
- Kochunas, B., Seker, V., & Ward, A. (2024). Triangular polynomial expansion nodal method in AGREE. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 206, 110632.
- Price, D., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Simplified matching pursuits applied to 3D nuclear reactor temperature distribution construction. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 131, 134–158.
- Folk, T., Srivastava, S., Price, D., Garikipati, K., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Analytic Error Analysis of the Partial Derivatives Cross-Section Model—I: Derivation. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–16.
- Folk, T., Srivastava, S., Price, D., Garikipati, K., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Analytic Error Analysis of the Partial Derivatives Cross-Section Model—II: Numerical Results. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–24.
- Shen, Q., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Practical considerations for the adoption of Anderson acceleration in nonlinear diffusion accelerated transport. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 199, 110330.
- Baker, U., Garrouste, M., Choi, S., Soto, G. J., Snuggerud, R., Kochunas, B., & Lindley, B. (2023). Simulation of the NuScale SMR and Investigation of the Effect of Load-Following on Component Lifetimes. Nuclear Technology, 210(1), 1–22.
- Price, D., Roskoff, N., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2023). Thermal Modeling of an eVinciTM-like heat pipe microreactor using OpenFOAM. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 415, 112709.
- Kang, J., Seker, V., Ward, A., Jabaay, D., Kochunas, B., & Downar, T. (2023). Cross section generation for a conceptual horizontal, compact high temperature gas reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(3), 933–940.
- Shen, Q., Adamowicz, N., Choi, S., Liu, Y., & Kochunas, B. (2023). Stability and Performance of the X-CMFD Method for Multiphysics Reactor Calculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(9), 1776–1805.
- Wang, J., Martin, W. R., Downar, T. J., Kochunas, B., Andrews, N. C., Gilkey, L., Walker, E. D., Collins, B. S., & Pilch, M. (2022). Code Verification and Solution Verification framework in pin-resolved neutron transport code MPACT. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 178, 109365.
- Price, D., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2022). Multiobjective optimization of nuclear microreactor reactivity control system operation with swarm and evolutionary algorithms. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 393, 111776.
- Liu, Y., Kochunas, B., Nguyen, T. N., Ley, H., & Vilim, R. (2022). Solving Sensor Assignment Problem of Nuclear Power Plant Systems by Tuning Genetic Algorithm with Bayesian Optimization. Nuclear Technology, 1–15.
- Shen, Q., & Kochunas, B. (2022). High-Order Accurate Solutions of the Point Kinetics Equations with the Spectral Deferred Correction Method. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 197(7), 1364–1385.
- Shen, Q., & Kochunas, B. (2021). A Robust Relaxation-Free Multiphysics Iteration Scheme for CMFD-Accelerated Neutron Transport k -Eigenvalue Calculations — I: Theory. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(11), 1176–1201.
- Shen, Q., Choi, S., & Kochunas, B. (2021). A Robust Relaxation-free Multiphysics Iteration Scheme for CMFD–Accelerated Neutron Transport k –eigenvalue Calculation–II: Numerical Results. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(11), 1202–1235.
- Dodson, Z., Kochunas, B., & Larsen, E. (2021). The Stability of Linear Diffusion Acceleration Relative to CMFD. Journal of Nuclear Engineering, 2(4), 336–344.
- Kochunas, B., & Huan, X. (2021). Digital Twin Concepts with Uncertainty for Nuclear Power Applications. Energies, 14(14), 4235.
- Barr, K. E., Choi, S., Kang, J., & Kochunas, B. (2021). Verification of MPACT for the APR1400 Benchmark. Energies, 14(13), 3831.
- Price, D., Folk, T., Duschenes, M., Garikipati, K., Kochunas, B., (2021). Methodology for Sensitivity Analysis of Homogenized Cross-Sections to Instantaneous and Historical Lattice Conditions with Application to AP1000 ® PWR Lattice. Energies, 14(12), 3378.
- Shen, Q., Kochunas, B., Xu, Y., Choi, S., Downar, T., (2021). Transient Multilevel Scheme with One-Group CMFD Acceleration. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(7), 741–765.
- Morató, S., Kochunas, B., Miró, R., Verdú, G., Larsen, E.W., Downar, T., (2021). Lambda modes comparison for different approximations of the neutron transport equation: Diffusion, SN and SP3. Annals of Nuclear Energy 154, 108074.
- Liu, Y., Salko, R., Kim, K.S., Wang, X., Kabelitz, M., Choi, S., Kochunas, B., Collins, B., Martin, W., (2021). Improved MPACT energy deposition and explicit heat generation coupling with CTF. Annals of Nuclear Energy 152, 107999.
- Jarrett, M.G., Kochunas, B.M., Larsen, E.W., Downar, T.J., (2020). SP3 Limit of the 2D/1D Transport Equations with Varying Degrees of Angular Coupling. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, 49(6), 303–330.
- Liu, Y., Vaughn, K., Kochunas, B., Downar, T., (2020). Validation of Pin-Resolved Reaction Rates, Kinetics Parameters, and Linear Source MOC in MPACT. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(1), 50–68.
- Nguyen, T. N., Jung, Y. S., Downar, T., & Lee, C. (2019). Implementation of the transient fixed-source problem in the neutron transport code PROTEUS-MOC. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 129, 199–206.
- Shen, Q., Xu, Y., & Downar, T. (2019). Stability analysis of the CMFD scheme with linear prolongation. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 129, 298–307.
- Liu, Y., Kochunas, B., Martin, W., & Downar, T. (2019). Delayed fission energy effect on LWR normal operation and transients. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 128, 84–93.
- Fitzgerald, A. P., Kochunas, B., Stimpson, S., & Downar, T. (2019). Spatial decomposition of structured grids for nuclear reactor simulations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 132, 686–701.
- Shen, Q., Wang, Y., Jabaay, D., Kochunas, B., & Downar, T. (2019). Transient analysis of C5G7-TD benchmark with MPACT. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 125, 107–120.
- Yee, B. C., Kochunas, B., & Larsen, E. W. (2019). A Multilevel in Space and Energy Solver for 3-D Multigroup Diffusion and Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Eigenvalue Problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(7), 722–745.
- Jarrett, M., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2019). Polar Parity for Efficient Evaluation of Anisotropic Transverse Leakage in the 2D/1D Transport Method. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(12), 1291–1309.
- Jarrett, M., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2018). Improved Accuracy in the 2-D/1-D Method with Anisotropic Transverse Leakage and Cross-Section Homogenization. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 192(3), 219–239.
- Stimpson, S., Collins, B., & Kochunas, B. (2017). Improvement of transport-corrected scattering stability and performance using a Jacobi inscatter algorithm for 2D-MOC. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 105.
- Kochunas, B., Fitzgerald, A., & Larsen, E. (2017). Fourier analysis of iteration schemes for k-eigenvalue transport problems with flux-dependent cross sections. Journal of Computational Physics, 345.
- Yee, B. C., Kochunas, B., & Larsen, E. W. (2017). A multilevel in space and energy solver for multigroup diffusion eigenvalue problems. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49(6).
- Kochunas, B., Collins, B., Stimpson, S., Salko, R., Jabaay, D., Graham, A., … Gehin, J. (2017). VERA Core Simulator Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactor Cycle Depletion. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 185(1), 217–231.
- Zhu, A., Kochunas, B., Xu, Y., Jarrett, M., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2017). Theoretical convergence rate lower bounds for variants of coarse mesh finite difference to accelerate neutron transport calculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 186(3).
- Yee, B. C., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E. W., & Xu, Y. (2017). Space-dependent Wielandt shifts for multigroup diffusion eigenvalue problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 188(2), 140–159.
- Zhu, A., Jarrett, M., Xu, Y., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2016). An optimally diffusive Coarse Mesh Finite Difference method to accelerate neutron transport calculations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 95.
- Collins, B., Stimpson, S., Kelley, B. W., Young, M. T. H., Kochunas, B., Graham, A., … Godfrey, A. (2016). Stability and accuracy of 3D neutron transport simulations using the 2D/1D method in MPACT. Journal of Computational Physics, 326.
- Jarrett, M., Kochunas, B., Zhu, A., & Downar, T. (2016). Analysis of stabilization techniques for CMFD acceleration of neutron transport problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 184(2).
- Liu, Z., Collins, B., Kochunas, B., Downar, T., Xu, Y., & Wu, H. (2015). Theory and analysis of accuracy for the method of characteristics direction probabilities with boundary averaging. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 77.
- Cao, L., Gerlach, A., Xu, Y., Downar, T., & Lee, J. C. (2015). Neutronics modeling of the SPERT III E-Core critical experiments with MPACT and KENO. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 80, 207–218.
- Liu, Z., Kochunas, B., Collins, B., Downar, T., Xu, Y., & Wu, H. (2015). Model and analysis of performance for the method of characteristics direction probabilities with boundary averaging. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 80.
- Zou, L., Zhang, H., Gehin, J., & Kochunas, B. (2013). Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic/Neutronics/Crud Framework in Prediction of Crud-Induced Power Shift Phenomenon. Nuclear Technology, 183(3), 5.
- Hursin, M., Downar, T. J., & Kochunas, B. (2012). Analysis of the core power response during a PWR rod ejection transient using the PARCS nodal code and the DeCART MOC code. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 170(2).