Refereed Journal Publications

  1. Choi, S., & Kochunas, B. (2025). Coarse mesh finite difference acceleration of the random ray method. Annals of Nuclear Energy210, 110848.
  2. Jeon, S., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Verification and Validation of the VANGARD Pinwise Nodal Code with Analyses of BEAVRS. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–24.
  3. Price, D., Roskoff, N., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Multiphysics Modeling of Heat Pipe Microreactor with Critical Control Drum Position Search. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–20.
  4. Price, D., Barrowes, L., Wells, J., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Calculation of Isotope-Specific Fission Rates for Neutrino Source Calculation in PWR Fuel Diversion Safeguarding. Nuclear Technology, 1–30.
  5. Kinast, S., Price, D., Filippone, C., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Stability Margins of Holos-Quad Microreactor. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–17.
  6. Kochunas, B., Seker, V., & Ward, A. (2024). Triangular polynomial expansion nodal method in AGREE. Annals of Nuclear Energy206, 110632.
  7. Price, D., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Simplified matching pursuits applied to 3D nuclear reactor temperature distribution construction. Applied Mathematical Modelling131, 134–158.
  8. Folk, T., Srivastava, S., Price, D., Garikipati, K., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Analytic Error Analysis of the Partial Derivatives Cross-Section Model—I: Derivation. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–16.
  9. Folk, T., Srivastava, S., Price, D., Garikipati, K., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Analytic Error Analysis of the Partial Derivatives Cross-Section Model—II: Numerical Results. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1–24.
  10. Shen, Q., & Kochunas, B. (2024). Practical considerations for the adoption of Anderson acceleration in nonlinear diffusion accelerated transport. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 199, 110330.
  11. Baker, U., Garrouste, M., Choi, S., Soto, G. J., Snuggerud, R., Kochunas, B., & Lindley, B. (2023). Simulation of the NuScale SMR and Investigation of the Effect of Load-Following on Component Lifetimes. Nuclear Technology, 210(1), 1–22.
  12. Price, D., Roskoff, N., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2023). Thermal Modeling of an eVinciTM-like heat pipe microreactor using OpenFOAM. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 415, 112709.
  13. Kang, J., Seker, V., Ward, A., Jabaay, D., Kochunas, B., & Downar, T. (2023). Cross section generation for a conceptual horizontal, compact high temperature gas reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(3), 933–940.
  14. Shen, Q., Adamowicz, N., Choi, S., Liu, Y., & Kochunas, B. (2023). Stability and Performance of the X-CMFD Method for Multiphysics Reactor Calculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(9), 1776–1805.
  15. Wang, J., Martin, W. R., Downar, T. J., Kochunas, B., Andrews, N. C., Gilkey, L., Walker, E. D., Collins, B. S., & Pilch, M. (2022). Code Verification and Solution Verification framework in pin-resolved neutron transport code MPACT. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 178, 109365.
  16. Price, D., Radaideh, M. I., & Kochunas, B. (2022). Multiobjective optimization of nuclear microreactor reactivity control system operation with swarm and evolutionary algorithms. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 393, 111776.
  17. Liu, Y., Kochunas, B., Nguyen, T. N., Ley, H., & Vilim, R. (2022). Solving Sensor Assignment Problem of Nuclear Power Plant Systems by Tuning Genetic Algorithm with Bayesian Optimization. Nuclear Technology, 1–15.
  18. Shen, Q., & Kochunas, B. (2022). High-Order Accurate Solutions of the Point Kinetics Equations with the Spectral Deferred Correction Method. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 197(7), 1364–1385.
  19. Shen, Q., & Kochunas, B. (2021). A Robust Relaxation-Free Multiphysics Iteration Scheme for CMFD-Accelerated Neutron Transport k -Eigenvalue Calculations — I: Theory. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(11), 1176–1201.
  20. Shen, Q., Choi, S., & Kochunas, B. (2021). A Robust Relaxation-free Multiphysics Iteration Scheme for CMFD–Accelerated Neutron Transport k –eigenvalue Calculation–II: Numerical Results. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(11), 1202–1235.
  21. Dodson, Z., Kochunas, B., & Larsen, E. (2021). The Stability of Linear Diffusion Acceleration Relative to CMFD. Journal of Nuclear Engineering, 2(4), 336–344.
  22. Kochunas, B., & Huan, X. (2021). Digital Twin Concepts with Uncertainty for Nuclear Power Applications. Energies, 14(14), 4235.
  23. Barr, K. E., Choi, S., Kang, J., & Kochunas, B. (2021). Verification of MPACT for the APR1400 Benchmark. Energies, 14(13), 3831.
  24. Price, D., Folk, T., Duschenes, M., Garikipati, K., Kochunas, B., (2021). Methodology for Sensitivity Analysis of Homogenized Cross-Sections to Instantaneous and Historical Lattice Conditions with Application to AP1000 ® PWR Lattice. Energies, 14(12), 3378.
  25. Shen, Q., Kochunas, B., Xu, Y., Choi, S., Downar, T., (2021). Transient Multilevel Scheme with One-Group CMFD Acceleration. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(7), 741–765.
  26. Morató, S., Kochunas, B., Miró, R., Verdú, G., Larsen, E.W., Downar, T., (2021). Lambda modes comparison for different approximations of the neutron transport equation: Diffusion, SN and SP3. Annals of Nuclear Energy 154, 108074.
  27. Liu, Y., Salko, R., Kim, K.S., Wang, X., Kabelitz, M., Choi, S., Kochunas, B., Collins, B., Martin, W., (2021). Improved MPACT energy deposition and explicit heat generation coupling with CTF. Annals of Nuclear Energy 152, 107999.
  28. Jarrett, M.G., Kochunas, B.M., Larsen, E.W., Downar, T.J., (2020). SP3 Limit of the 2D/1D Transport Equations with Varying Degrees of Angular Coupling.  Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, 49(6), 303–330.
  29. Liu, Y., Vaughn, K., Kochunas, B., Downar, T., (2020). Validation of Pin-Resolved Reaction Rates, Kinetics Parameters, and Linear Source MOC in MPACT. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 195(1), 50–68.
  30. Nguyen, T. N., Jung, Y. S., Downar, T., & Lee, C. (2019). Implementation of the transient fixed-source problem in the neutron transport code PROTEUS-MOC. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 129, 199–206.
  31. Shen, Q., Xu, Y., & Downar, T. (2019). Stability analysis of the CMFD scheme with linear prolongation. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 129, 298–307.
  32. Liu, Y., Kochunas, B., Martin, W., & Downar, T. (2019). Delayed fission energy effect on LWR normal operation and transients. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 128, 84–93.
  33. Fitzgerald, A. P., Kochunas, B., Stimpson, S., & Downar, T. (2019). Spatial decomposition of structured grids for nuclear reactor simulations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 132, 686–701.
  34. Shen, Q., Wang, Y., Jabaay, D., Kochunas, B., & Downar, T. (2019). Transient analysis of C5G7-TD benchmark with MPACT. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 125, 107–120.
  35. Yee, B. C., Kochunas, B., & Larsen, E. W. (2019). A Multilevel in Space and Energy Solver for 3-D Multigroup Diffusion and Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Eigenvalue Problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(7), 722–745.
  36. Jarrett, M., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2019). Polar Parity for Efficient Evaluation of Anisotropic Transverse Leakage in the 2D/1D Transport Method. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(12), 1291–1309.
  37. Jarrett, M., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2018). Improved Accuracy in the 2-D/1-D Method with Anisotropic Transverse Leakage and Cross-Section Homogenization. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 192(3), 219–239.
  38. Stimpson, S., Collins, B., & Kochunas, B. (2017). Improvement of transport-corrected scattering stability and performance using a Jacobi inscatter algorithm for 2D-MOC. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 105.
  39. Kochunas, B., Fitzgerald, A., & Larsen, E. (2017). Fourier analysis of iteration schemes for k-eigenvalue transport problems with flux-dependent cross sections. Journal of Computational Physics, 345.
  40. Yee, B. C., Kochunas, B., & Larsen, E. W. (2017). A multilevel in space and energy solver for multigroup diffusion eigenvalue problems. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49(6).
  41. Kochunas, B., Collins, B., Stimpson, S., Salko, R., Jabaay, D., Graham, A., … Gehin, J. (2017). VERA Core Simulator Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactor Cycle Depletion. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 185(1), 217–231.
  42. Zhu, A., Kochunas, B., Xu, Y., Jarrett, M., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2017). Theoretical convergence rate lower bounds for variants of coarse mesh finite difference to accelerate neutron transport calculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 186(3).
  43. Yee, B. C., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E. W., & Xu, Y. (2017). Space-dependent Wielandt shifts for multigroup diffusion eigenvalue problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 188(2), 140–159.
  44. Zhu, A., Jarrett, M., Xu, Y., Kochunas, B., Larsen, E., & Downar, T. (2016). An optimally diffusive Coarse Mesh Finite Difference method to accelerate neutron transport calculations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 95.
  45. Collins, B., Stimpson, S., Kelley, B. W., Young, M. T. H., Kochunas, B., Graham, A., … Godfrey, A. (2016). Stability and accuracy of 3D neutron transport simulations using the 2D/1D method in MPACT. Journal of Computational Physics, 326.
  46. Jarrett, M., Kochunas, B., Zhu, A., & Downar, T. (2016). Analysis of stabilization techniques for CMFD acceleration of neutron transport problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 184(2).
  47. Liu, Z., Collins, B., Kochunas, B., Downar, T., Xu, Y., & Wu, H. (2015). Theory and analysis of accuracy for the method of characteristics direction probabilities with boundary averaging. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 77.
  48. Cao, L., Gerlach, A., Xu, Y., Downar, T., & Lee, J. C. (2015). Neutronics modeling of the SPERT III E-Core critical experiments with MPACT and KENO. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 80, 207–218.
  49. Liu, Z., Kochunas, B., Collins, B., Downar, T., Xu, Y., & Wu, H. (2015). Model and analysis of performance for the method of characteristics direction probabilities with boundary averaging. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 80.
  50. Zou, L., Zhang, H., Gehin, J., & Kochunas, B. (2013). Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic/Neutronics/Crud Framework in Prediction of Crud-Induced Power Shift Phenomenon. Nuclear Technology, 183(3), 5.
  51. Hursin, M., Downar, T. J., & Kochunas, B. (2012). Analysis of the core power response during a PWR rod ejection transient using the PARCS nodal code and the DeCART MOC code. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 170(2).