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Project L
This is a 5 year $15M strategic partnership between the Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of Michigan. The project is led by MICDE Director Karthik Duraisamy.
Dates: May 2024 – Feb. 2029
We are contributing to this effort in several ways, and they are evolving year-to-year. For now we are working on data-driven and machine learning algorithms to dynamically optimize energy group structures in multigroup transport and program synthesis tools for general scientific computing algorithmis.
Read a couple articles about this collaboration here and here.
USSF SPAR Institute
This is a United States Space Force Institute.
Dates: Jan. 2025 – Sept. 2029
This is a 5 year $35M institute with which we are lucky to be leading the reactor design! The institute is led by Prof. Ben Jorns and is a large multi-institutional collaboration. The objective of our task is design a fully passive modular reactor that uses direct energy conversion.
Read a press release about the institute here!
Developing Digital Twins from High Fidelity Simulations
This is a U.S. Department of Energy Distinguished Early Career Program (DECP) Award.
Dates: Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2027
The objective of this project is to develop the fundamental methods and techniques that would leverage advanced modeling and simulation to create efficient and accurate hybrid or integrated (e.g. physics based + data driven + machine learning) models. The project will have 5 majors tasks: developing hybrid models, investigating efficient learning strategies, V&V, incorporating UQ, and developing a new flexible curriculum to teach these methods.
Read the full project abstract here!
Fast and Rigorous Methods for Multiphysics SPn Transport in Advanced Reactors
This project is centered at Michigan and in collaboration with Brian Kiedrowski and Krishna Garikipati. We also have several external collaborators at National Labs including Yeon Sang Jung (ANL), Tom Evans and Steven Hamilton (ORNL), and Mike Hackemack and Andrew Pavlou at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory.
Dates: Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2025
In this project we are developing a new higher-order discretization for the SPn and GSPn equations, as well as investigating new fast direct solver technology based on the Hierarchical Poincare-Steklov method. Other contributions include more rigorous formulations for cross section generation and interpolation, and advances in cross section generation with Monte Carlo transport methods.
Read the full project abstract here!
Project SAFARI – Secure Automation for Advanced Reactor Innovation
Read the announcement here!
Innovative Enhanced Automation Control Strategies for Multi-unit SMRs
In collaboration with Jamie Coble at the University of Tennessee, Ben Lindley at the University of Wisconsin, Vivek Agarwal at the Idaho National Laboratory, and Ross Snuggerud at NuScale Power.
Dates: Oct. 2020 – Sept. 2024
Researchers will develop an innovative, enhanced automation control framework for small modular reactors (SMRs) that supports control of multiple units operating in a variety of reactor core conditions. Through these enhancements, SMR technology gains improved marketability through potential deployment to a broader range of markets and can also lead to reduced operating and maintenance costs for a SMR site, increasing the overall profitability.
Read the full project abstract here!
Design and Prototyping of Advanced Control Systems for Advanced Reactors Operating in the Future Electric Grid
Lead by Roberto Ponciroli at ANL and in collaboration with Rick Vilim and Anthony Cilliers (Kairos).
Date: Oct. 2020 – Sept. 2023
Researchers will design and demonstrate and advanced control schemes for semi-autonomous and remote operation of advanced reactors to support integrated energy systems with energy storage technologies. The research will develop a control system architecture that will integrate with future changes to the grid, including highly variable grid demand.
Read the full project abstract here.
Process-Constrained Data Analytics for Sensor Assignment and Calibration
Lead by Rick Vilim at ANL.
Date: Oct. 2018 – Sept. 2021
This project will develop and demonstrate data-analytic methods to address the problem of how to assign a sensor set in a nuclear facility such that 1) a requisite level of process monitoring capability is realized, and in turn, 2) the sensor set is sufficiently rich to allow analytics to determine the status of the individual sensors with respect to their need for calibration. This approach will allow for automated calibration status, avoiding unneeded calibration activities in the facility.
Read the full project abstract here.
Modeling and Analysis of Exelon BWRs for Eigenvalue and Thermal Limits Predictability
Here we got the band back together for an encore post-CASL to look at BWRs with VERA.
Full project abstract here.
Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL)
The project that birthed MPACT and VERA.
Date: 2010 – 2020